
Administrative Review (AR) Against Refusal Of Tier 1 Applications

Administrative Review (AR) against refusal of Tier 1 applications is a process available to applicants who have been denied entry clearance, leave to remain, or indefinite leave to remain under the Tier 1 visa category in the UK. This category, which includes highly skilled migrants, entrepreneurs, and investors, allows applicants to request a review of their refusal decision if they believe it was due to a caseworking error. The AR process must be initiated within 14 calendar days if the applicant is in the UK, or 28 calendar days if outside the UK, from the date of the refusal decision. During the review, an independent Home Office official, who was not involved in the original decision, examines the case to identify and rectify any administrative mistakes. The AR provides a crucial opportunity for Tier 1 applicants to address errors and potentially overturn the refusal without the need for a full appeal, thereby preserving their opportunity to contribute to the UK’s economy and innovation sectors.

Services We Offer

  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa Refusal
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Visa Refusal As PBS Dependant Of Tier 1 Entrepreneur
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Visa Refusal
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Visa Refusal As PBS Dependant Of Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Tier 1 Investor Visa Refusal
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Visa Refusal As PBS Dependant Of Tier 1 Investor
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa Refusal
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Visa Refusal As PBS Dependant Of Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Migrant

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