
Administrative Review (AR) Against Refusal Of Tier 2 Applications

Administrative Review (AR) against refusal of Tier 2 applications offers applicants a mechanism to challenge the denial of their application for a Tier 2 visa, which is typically granted to skilled workers with a job offer in the UK. If an application for entry clearance, leave to remain, or indefinite leave to remain under the Tier 2 category is refused, the applicant can request an AR if they believe the refusal was due to a caseworking error. The request must be submitted within 14 calendar days if the applicant is in the UK, or within 28 calendar days if they are outside the UK, from the date of the refusal notice. The review is conducted by a different Home Office official than the one who made the original decision, ensuring an impartial assessment. This process enables applicants to have errors in their application reconsidered, providing a vital opportunity to correct mistakes and potentially reverse the refusal decision, thus allowing them to contribute their skills and expertise to the UK workforce.

Services We Offer

  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Tier 2 General Visa Refusal
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Visa Refusal As PBS Dependant Of Tier 2 General Migrant
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Tier 2 Minister Of Religion Visa Refusal
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Visa Refusal As PBS Dependant Of Tier 2 Minister Of Religion
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Tier 2 ICT Visa Refusal
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Visa Refusal As PBS Dependant Of Tier 2 ICT Migrant
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Tier 2 Sportsperson Visa Refusal
  • Administrative Review (AR) Against Visa Refusal As PBS Dependant Of Tier 2 Sportsperson


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