
Entry Clearance Appeals Against Refusal Of UK Visa

You can file an entry clearance appeal to the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) against the refusal of your UK visa entry clearance application within 28 days of receiving the refusal decision. You can only appeal to the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) if you have the legal right to appeal against the refusal of your UK visa application. You will usually be told in your UK visa refusal letter whether or not you have a right to challenge the refusal by way of an appeal.

In some cases, you will have right to file an Administrative Review (AR) instead of right to appeal against the refusal of your UK visa entry clearance application.

Where you have neither Administrative Review (AR) right nor appeal right against the refusal of your UK visa application, you can still challenge the refusal of your UK visa application by way of Pre Action Protocol (PAP) and Judicial Review (JR).

Free Assessment Of UK Visa Refusal Decisions

As part of our free immigration advice service, our expert team of free immigration solicitors can carry out free assessment of UKVI refusal decisions of your immigration application by the Home Office UKVI. If your immigration application has been refused by the Home Office UKVI and you believe the refusal is unlawful, you can scan and email your refusal letter to us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can do free assessment of refusal decision. Upon assessment of UK visa refusal, our expert immigration solicitors will be able to advise you whether or not there are good grounds for challenging the refusal letter.

How We File Your Entry Clearance Appeal?

As expert immigration appeal lawyers, we will file  appeal online using the MyHMCTS service. Online appeals are quicker than post or fax appeals. We will ask, in your appeal form, for a decision to be made either:

  • just on the information in your appeal form and any documents supplied to the tribunal
  • at a hearing that your representatives will attend

The tribunal can decide to have a hearing even if you do not ask for one. You’ll be told if this is the case. If the tribunal does not hold a hearing, a judge will decide your case based on your appeal form and documents.

Which Visa Refusals Can Be Challenged Through Entry Clearance Appeal?

Our specialist team of entry clearance appeals solicitors can provide expert advice and representations concerning following entry clearance appeals to the First Tier Tribunal (FTT):

  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Fiance Visa
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Proposed Civil Partner Visa
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Spouse Visa
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Unmarried Partner Visa
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Civil Partner Visa
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Same Sex Partner Visa
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Parent Of British Child Visa
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) Visa
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of Family Permit
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of UK Visa As Adopted Child Of British Citizen / Settled Person
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of UK Visa As A Partner Of A Member Of HM Forces
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of UK Visa As A Child Of Member Of HM Forces
  • Entry Clearance Appeal Against Refusal Of UK Visa As A Family Member Of A Stateless Person

Appeal Against Refusal Of EU Settlement Scheme, Frontier Worker or S2 Healthcare Visitor Application

You can file an appeal to the First Tier Tribunal against the refusal of your application for UK visa under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS), Frontier Worker visa or S2 Healthcare Visitor visa. You can only appeal to the First Tier Tribunal after your Administrative Review (AR) against the refusal of your application has failed and you have been given a legal right to appeal to the First Tier Tribunal. Your administrative review decision will tell you how to appeal.

Step by Step Process Of Entry Clearance Appeal

Following is the step by step process for an entry clearance appeal:

  • Appeal process is started using the MyHMCTS service;
  • Notice of appeal is submitted online and the fee for the entry clearance appeal is paid online;
  • The Respondent provides their evidence in the form of Respondent’s bundle;
  • The Appellant builds his/her case by preparing and submitting the Appellant’s Bundle of documents;
  • The case is reviewed by the First Tier Tribunal and directions are given to the Respondent for the reconsideration or review of the refusal decision in the light of all the arguments and documents filed with the court;
  • The Respondent reconsiders the decision by reviewing the evidence and the refusal decision and either decides to maintain the refusal decision or agree to withdraw the refusal decision;
  • If the Respondent maintains the decision to refuse, the Appellant will submit any specific requirements for the appeal hearing;
  • The First Tier Tribunal will then list the matter for appeal hearing;
  • In some cases, there may be a pre-hearing review by the court in the form a Case Management Review (CMR) hearing before the final hearing;
  • The First Tier Tribunal hears the appeal in presence of all parties if you requested an oral hearing otherwise the court will decide the appeal on papers;
  • Decision on the appeal is normally sent to the parties within 2 to 3 weeks after the appeal hearing or considering of the appeal on papers, as the case may be.

How Can We Help?

Our expert team of immigration appeals solicitors can represent you in your entry clearance appeal and carry out all the work on your entry clearance appeal until a decision is made by the Immigration Judge of the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) on your entry clearance appeal. The immigration casework to be carried out by our immigration appeal lawyers on your entry clearance appeal will entail the following:

  • We will discuss the reasons for refusal with you and advise you on potential grounds for appeal against refusal of your UK visa entry clearance;
  • We will advise you on the chances of success in your UK visa entry clearance appeal;
  • We will advise you on the timeframe, the costs involved and the court procedures for your entry clearance appeal;
  • We will file your appeal online by completing the relevant online appeal form and help you pay the relevant court fee online for your entry clearance appeal;
  • We will draft the grounds of appeal to challenge the UK visa refusal in the court arguing how the refusal of UK visa entry clearance is unlawful and not in accordance with UK immigration laws;
  • We will advise you on the relevant documentary evidence to be submitted in support of the entry clearance appeal bundle so that the UK visa may be granted by the Entry Clearance Manager (ECM) upon review of the grounds and the supporting documents;
  • We will liaise with the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) after the filing of the appeal and do all the follow up work including complying with any court directions with regards to your Entry Clearance Appeal;
  • We will prepare detailed witness statements of all the relevant witnesses who will appear in court to give evidence before the Immigration Judge of the First Tier Tribunal (FTT);
  • We will prepare Skeleton Arguments and file the same with the court and the Home Office Presenting Officers Unit (HOPOU) as per court directions;
  • We will prepare the indexed and paginated appeal bundles of all the supporting documents and file the same with the court and the Home Office Presenting Officers Unit (HOPOU) in accordance with the court directions;
  • We will assess the Home Office Bundle (also known as Respondent’s bundle);
  • We will prepare a brief to Barrister and instruct the Barrister so that the Barrister can represent the Appellant (our client) in First Tier Tribunal (FTT) before the Immigration Judge;
  • Where necessary, we will arrange a pre-hearing conference with the Barrister who will discuss your entry clearance appeal case with you and advise you about the court procedure in relation to your entry clearance appeal;
  • We will do all the follow up work until written determination (decision) of your Entry Clearance appeal is recieved from the court.

Our Fee For An Entry Clearance Appeal

Unless your entry clearance appeal is very complicated, our fees for an entry clearance appeal are as given in the fee table below:

Entry Clearance Appeal Our Fee Fixed Fee Range
All our work in relation to entry clearance appeal until we get a decision on your entry clearance appeal or until the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) withdraws the refusal decision as a result of reconsideration of the refusal decision after the Appellant’s appeal bundle is filed with the court. From £1,000 To £2,500

The agreed fixed fee will depend on the complexity of your entry clearance appeal and the volume of casework involved in the appeal. In addition to our fixed fee for entry clearance appeal, you will also have to the pay the court fee for the entry clearance appeal and the Barrister’s fee for representing you in appeal hearing for entry clearance appeal.

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