
Initial Application – Leave To Remain As A Stateless Person

You can apply for leave to remain in the UK if you meet the definition of a stateless person and you are not excluded from recognition as a stateless person.

Requirements for limited leave to remain as a stateless person

According to paragraph 403 of the Immigration Rules, the requirements for leave to remain in the United Kingdom as a stateless person are that the applicant:

  1. has made a valid application to the Secretary of State for limited leave to remain as a stateless person;
  2. is recognised as a stateless person by the Secretary of State in accordance with paragraph 401 of the Immigration Rules;
  3. is not admissible to their country of former habitual residence or any other country; and
  4. has obtained and submitted all reasonably available evidence to enable the Secretary of State to determine whether they are stateless.

Refusal of limited leave to remain as a stateless person

According to paragraph 404 of the Immigration Rules, an applicant will be refused leave to remain in the United Kingdom as stateless person if:

  1. they do not meet the requirements of paragraph 403 of the Immigration Rules;
  2. there are reasonable grounds for considering that they are:
      • a danger to the security of the United Kingdom;
      • a danger to the public order of the United Kingdom; or
  3. their application would fall to be refused under any of the grounds set out in paragraph 322 of these Rules.

Grant of limited leave to remain to a stateless person

According to paragraph 405 of the Immigration Rules, where an applicant meets the requirements of paragraph 403 they may be granted limited leave to remain in the United Kingdom for a period not exceeding 30 months.

Curtailment of limited leave to remain as a stateless person

According to paragraph 406 of the Immigration Rules, limited leave to remain as a stateless person under paragraph 405 may be curtailed where the stateless person is a danger to the security or public order of the United Kingdom or where leave would be curtailed pursuant to paragraph 323 of these Rules.

Why Choose Sunrise Solicitors For Application For Initial Leave To Remain As A Stateless Person?

The immigration solicitors at Sunrise Solicitors are experts in dealing with applications for initial leave to remain as a stateless person. The quality of our service is self-evident from the clients’ reviews about the service provided by our immigration lawyers. You can contact us if you are seeking legal help from immigration lawyers in London in relation to your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person and our immigration solicitors will provide you fast, friendly, reliable, honest and professional immigration service.

If instructed to represent you for your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person, the immigration casework to be carried out by our immigration solicitors will include the following:

  • Taking detailed instructions from you and advising you about the relevant immigration laws and procedures to be adopted by the Home Office, UKVI in your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person;
  • Discussing your immigration case in detail with you and advising you about the weaknesses and strengths of your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person;
  • Advising you about the documentary evidence to be submitted in support of your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person;
  • Checking the relevant documentary evidence to be submitted in support of your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person and discussing the same with you;
  • Completing the relevant application form for your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person and discussing the same with you;
  • Preparing a cover letter to introduce and support your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person;
  • Submitting your application to the Home Office, UKVI and liaising with the Home Office, UKVI for a timely decision on your application;
  • Doing all the follow up work until decision is reached on your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person.

Our Fee For An Application For Initial Leave To Remain As A Stateless Person

  • We will charge you a fee from £1,200 + VAT for our professional immigration services in relation to your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person. The agreed fee will depend on the complexity of the matter and the casework involved in the matter.
  • If you cannot afford to pay our fee in full at the time of instructing us in relation to your application for initial leave to remain as a stateless person, you can pay half of the fee at the time of instructing us and the balance can be paid by monthly instalments.
  • The agreed fee will cover all our work until decision by the Home Office on the application. However, it is pertinent to note that the agreed fee will not cover any disbursements to be incurred by us on your behalf e.g. translation of documents, UKVI fee for the application, etc.

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