
Global Business Mobility Visa

The Global Business Mobility visa is a category of visa that is designed to cater to the needs of overseas businesses that are looking to establish a presence in the UK or to facilitate the transfer of staff for specific business purposes. It requires genuine intention to establish a presence in the UK or to transfer staff for specific business purposes. Additionally, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they possess the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to be able to successfully fulfil the role for which they are applying.


A number of current business visas, including the two types of intra-company visas, the representative of an overseas business visa, and visas for independent contractors and contractual service providers under the Temporary Work – International Agreement route, will be reformed and expanded Global Business Mobility visas. It will essentially establish a multi-category sponsored route. It will also open up a new avenue for foreign workers who are considering emigrating from their home country to the UK as a means of seeking a better life for themselves and their families. The impact of this new route will be significant, allowing many more people from around the world to come to the UK to pursue opportunities that may not have been available in their own country. Some of the options does not lead to settlement. However, there will be a possibility for the applicant to switch to another category which may lead to settlement. The applicants would be able to bring their dependant partners and children under the age of 18. The applicant as well as the all of the family members will be eligible for free NHS service and the children will be entitled to be admitted in state funding schools, hence, they can avail education for free of costs.

Different Global Mobility visa routes

There are five distinct global business mobility routes that have been carefully designed to correspond with various forms of temporary work. The routes provide access to a range of countries, with each route having its own unique set of requirements and restrictions. All of the routes are designed to provide an opportunity to experience different cultures and business environments.


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