
Further Leave To Remain – 10 Years Long Residence

You can apply for further leave to remain for 2 years using FLR (LR) form if you have completed 10 years in the UK continuously and lawfully. Normally, you need to apply for further leave to remain for 2 years if you are unable to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain  on the basis of 10 years long residence due to non-custodial criminal conviction which is less than 24 months old or due to your inability to pass the English Test and/or Life in the UK test. Application for further leave to remain based on 10 years long residence is made using application form FLR (LR).

How We Can Help?

If instructed to represent you regarding your FLR (LR) application on the basis of 10 years long residence, the casework carried out by our expert team of immigration solicitors will include the following:

  • We will assess your eligibility for further leave to remain on the basis of 10 years long residence by fully considering all your personal circumstances including your past immigration history, any previous gaps in between periods of leave, your absences from the UK, any issues surrounding good character requirement etc.
  • We will advise you on all the relevant requirements for further leave to remain 10 years long residence, ;
  • We will discuss your immigration case in detail with you and advise you about the weaknesses and strengths of your immigration case;
  • We will advise you about the documentary evidence to be submitted in support of your FLR (LR) application;
  • We will assess the documentary evidence to be submitted in support of your FLR (LR) application and discuss the same with you;
  • We will complete the FLR (LR) form online, submit the same online, help you pay the application fee online and book your appointment with the UKVCAS application centre for the enrolment of your biometrics;
  • We will prepare a cover letter to introduce and support your FLR (LR) application;
  • We will upload all the supporting documents online on UKVCAS online portal;
  • We will liaise with the Home Office, UKVI for a timely decision on your FLR (LR) application;
  • We will protect your interests while your application is pending with the Home Office and respond to any enquiries made by the Home Office UKVI in relation to your pending FLR (LR) application;
  • Where necessary,  we will make further representations or provide further documentary evidence in support of the pending FLR (LR) application;
  • We will do all the follow up work until decision is reached on your FLR (LR) application.

How Much We Charge?

Unless your matter is extremely complicated, our fees for further leave to remain on the basis of 10 years long residence are as given in the fee table below:

Our Service Our Fee
Full service for FLR (LR) application to  cover all the work until decision by the Home Office UKVI From £1,000 + VAT To £2,000 + VAT

The agreed fixed fee will depend on the complexity of your FLR (LR) application and the volume of casework involved in the application. In addition to our fixed fee for further leave to remain on the basis of 10 years long residence, the applicant will also have to pay the Home office UKVI fees for the FLR (LR) application.

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