
T5 International Agreement Worker Sponsor Licence

You can apply for T5 International Agreement sponsor licence to employ employees of overseas governments / international organisations or private servants in diplomatic households.

Need to employ a T5 International Agreement Worker and want legal help and assistance for T5 International Agreement sponsor Licence? Contact our expert team of sponsor licence solicitors in London for fast, friendly, reliable and fixed fee immigration services for your T5 International Agreement sponsor licence application. Ask a question to our sponsor licence specialists for free immigration advice concerning your T5 International Agreement sponsor licence application.

Eligibility Requirements For T5 International Agreement Sponsor Licence

To apply for a licence to sponsor under the T5 (Temporary Worker) International Agreement category you must intend to sponsor:

  • employees of overseas governments
  • employees of international organisations
  • private servants in diplomatic households or households of officials working for international organisations

You must be a diplomatic mission or international organisation recognised by the UK (an international organisation includes offices of ‘states’ not recognised by the UK). The ’List of international organisations whose employees qualify for exempt entry clearances’ is available on GOV.UK. If you are applying as an international organisation, you must be named on this list.

An application for a sponsor licence amounts to an acknowledgement that the Home Office, UKVI may seek, from your Head of Mission or Head of Organisation, a limited waiver of inviolability and of immunity in order to enter your residence or premises to undertake compliance activity relating to your application or your sponsor licence.

When making your application, you must send a signed letter from your Head of Mission, or Head of Organisation, confirming that they:

  • agree to the application being made
  • wish to sponsor migrants under T5 (Temporary Worker) International Agreement
  • accept the sponsorship requirements

How To Apply For T5 International Agreement Sponsor Licence?

You can apply for the T5 International Agreement sponsor licence online on the Home Office, UKVI website.

Once you have submitted your online application, you must then send to the Home Office, UKVI all of the following to validate your application. A valid application must:

  • contain the original submission sheet (not a certified copy), which has been signed and dated by the Authorising Officer (all pages must be sent); and
  • contain all of the documents listed on the submission sheet as mandatory documents (originals or certified copies); and
  • all be sent in together within 5 working days of completion of the electronic application.

To get a T5 International Agreement sponsor licence, you must apply to the Home Office, UKVI, supplying specified documents to prove that you are suitable and eligible. The Home Office, UKVI will carry out appropriate checks before deciding whether to grant the T5 International Agreement sponsor licence. The Home Office, UKVI considers an application to join the sponsor register by assessing whether you meet the relevant requirements. If your application for T5 International Agreement Sponsor Licence is accepted by the Home Office, UKVI, you will be issued with SMS login ID and password to manage your T5 International Agreement sponsor licence online.

Assigning Of T5 International Agreement Worker Certificate Of Sponsorship (CoS)

Once you have been granted a T5 International Agreement sponsor licence you will be able to assign certificates of sponsorship (CoS) to migrants who wish to come to, or stay in the UK to work as T5 International Agreement Worker. The Home Office, UKVI will decide how many certificates of sponsorship (CoS) you will be allowed to assign under T5 sponsorship licence.

For migrants, being assigned a certificate of sponsorship (CoS) is an essential part of qualifying for entry clearance (if they are outside the UK) or leave to remain (permission to extend their stay while in the UK). But there are also other requirements set out in the immigration rules that they must meet. They must score enough points, and are likely to be refused if there is anything in their personal or immigration history that suggests that their presence in the UK is not desirable.

Duties As A T5 International Agreement Worker Licenced Sponsor

As a T5 International Agreement Worker licensed sponsor, you must comply with certain duties, including, but not restricted to, a duty to inform the Home Office, UKVI if the T5 International Agreement Worker does not turn up for work, or if he is absent without permission for a significant period. You must also keep proper records of the migrants you sponsor, including contact details and a copy of their biometric residence permit (BRP), and supply any documentation to the Home Office, UKVI on request.

The Home Office, UKVI will monitor your behaviour and compliance with your duties once you have been granted T5 International Agreement sponsor licence.

How Can We Help With Your T5 International Agreement Sponsor Licence Application?

Our specialist sponsor licence solicitors can provide all the required help and guidance to apply for T5 International Agreement sponsor licence and carry out all the work until decision by the Home Office UKVI on the T5 International Agreement sponsor licence application. As part of our professional legal services for T5 International Agreement sponsor licence application, our immigration caseworker will include the following:

  • Assessing the your eligibility of the skilled sponsor licence by considering all the relevant circumstances including the genuineness of the business, the genuineness of job vacancy, etc.
  • Advising on the relevant procedures to be followed for an application for T5 International Agreement sponsor licence;
  • Advising on the relevant documentary evidence to be submitted in support of the T5 International Agreement sponsor licence application;
  • Assessing the documentary evidence to ensure that the documents are in compliance of the Home Office UKVI requirements for the grant of the T5 International Agreement sponsor licence;
  • Completing online application form for T5 International Agreement sponsor licence application and submitting the same online;
  • Helping with payment of the Home Office UKVI fee for the T5 International Agreement sponsor licence fee;
  • Sending the online submission sheet along with all the supporting documents and information under a detailed cover letter prepared by our expert team of sponsor licence solicitors;
  • Assisting you with Home Office, UKVI Compliance visit, if the Home Office UKVI decides to conduct a compliance visit before deciding the T5 International Agreement sponsor licence application;
  • Doing all the follow-up work until decision is reached on the T5 International Agreement sponsor licence application by the Home Office, UKVI.

Our Fee For T5 International Agreement Sponsor Licence Application

Our fees for T5 International Agreement sponsor licence related services are given in the fee table below:

Our Service Our Fee
Help With Home Office Compliance Visit From £800 + VAT To £1,500 + VAT
Full Help With Application For T5 International Agreement sponsor licence From £2,500 + VAT To £3,500 + VAT
Representations To Home Office UKVI following Suspension Of The T5 International Agreement sponsor licence From £1,000 + VAT To £2,000 + VAT
Pre-Action Protocol (PAP) Against Refusal/Revocation Of licence From £1,000 + VAT To £2,000 + VAT
Judicial Review (JR) Against Refusal/Revocation Of licence From £2,500 + VAT To £5,000 + VAT


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