
Entry Clearance For Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) Visa

You can apply for entry clearance for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa if you are in need of long term personal care due to your age, illness or disability and you cannot perform any of your day to day tasks on your own without the help of somone else and further that there is no one else in the country of residence of the applicant to provide the required reasonable care. The refusal rate for entry clearance application for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa is quite high becuase the threshold to succeed in the application is not easy to achieve. As a result of successful entry clearance application, the applicant will be granted Indefinite Leave to Enter (ILE).

You must apply for adult dependant relative visa from outside the UK as you cannot switch into this route from inside the UK. You’ll need the British citizen or settled person who will be looking after you (also called your ‘sponsor’) to complete a sponsor form and sign it to confirm they will support you.

However, outside the immigration rules, it is possible to submit a discretionary leave application from inside the UK if you are physically, emotionally and financially dependent on your settled relative or family member in the UK.

Who Can Sponsor Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) Visa

The elderly parents and other adult dependent relatives of following persons can apply for entry clearance as adult dependant relatives:

  • A British citizen in the UK; or
  • a person present and settled in the UK; or
  • A person in the UK with leave to remain as a refugee; or
  • A person in the UK with Humanitarian Protection Leave.

Who Can Apply As Adult Dependent Relative (ADR)?

An adult dependant can be a:

  • parent
  • grandparent
  • brother
  • sister
  • son or daughter over 18

Eligibility Requirements For Entry Clearance For Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) Visa

The Immigration Rules require that:-

  • The applicant must, as a result of age, illness or disability, require long-term personal care: that is help performing everyday tasks, e.g. washing, dressing and cooking;
  • The applicant must be unable, even with the practical and financial help of the sponsor, to obtain the required level of care in the country where they are living because it is not available and there is no person in that country who can reasonably provide it, or because it is not affordable.
  • The Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) must be satisfied that the applicant will be adequately maintained, accommodated and cared for in the UK by the sponsor without recourse to public funds. If the sponsor is a British citizen or settled in the UK, they must sign a 5-year undertaking to that effect, at the entry clearance stage.

Long-term Personal Care As A result Of Age, Illness Or Disability

As the result of age, illness or disability, the applicant must be incapable of performing everyday tasks for themselves, e.g. washing, dressing and cooking. This may have been arrived at recently – such as the result of a serious accident resulting in long-term incapacity – or it could be the result of deterioration in the applicant’s condition over several years.

Unable To Receive The Required Level Of Care In The Country Of His/Her Residence

The Home Office rules require that the applicant has no access to the required level of care in the country where he/she is living, even with the practical and financial help of the sponsor in the UK. This could be because it is not available and there is no person in that country who can reasonably provide it, or because it is not affordable.

No Person In The Country Who Can Reasonably Provide Care

The Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) will consider whether there is anyone in the country where the applicant is living who can reasonably provide the required level of care.

This can be a close family member:

  • Son
  • Daughter
  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Parent
  • Grandchild
  • Grandparent, or
  • another person who can provide care, e.g. a home-help, housekeeper, nurse, carer, or care or nursing home.

According to the Home Office, Policy Guidance, if an applicant has more than one close relative in the country where they are living, those relatives may be able to pool resources to provide the required care. The ECO should also bear in mind any relevant cultural factors, such as in countries where women are unlikely to be able to provide support.

Grant of Indefinite Leave to Enter/Limited Leave to Enter

Adult dependent relative of a British citizen or a person present and settled in the UK

If all of the requirements of the rules are met, Indefinite Leave to Enter (ILE) will be granted.

Adult dependent relative of a person in the UK with refugee leave or humanitarian protection

If the applicant meets the requirements for entry clearance as an adult dependent relative and the sponsor has limited leave, the applicant will be granted limited leave to enter of a duration which will expire at the same time as the sponsor’s limited leave, and subject to a condition of no recourse to public funds.

This means that after a grant of entry clearance in this route the same suitability criteria and eligibility criteria that the adult dependent relative of a sponsor with refugee leave or humanitarian protection met at entry clearance must be met for a further grant of limited leave in this route.

Re-Applying For ADR Entry Clearance After The Refusal

If your application for entry clearance for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa has been refused by the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) and you believe that the decision to refuse your application is valid and lawful and therefore cannot be challenged by way of an entry clearance appeal, you have the option to re-apply for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa. We can provide the required legal help and assistance with re-applying for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance after the refusal.

How Can We Help?

Our expert team of immigration solicitors specialise in UK adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance applications. If instructed to represent you regarding your application for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance, we will carry out all the work on your application until a decision is made by the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) on your adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance application. The immigration casework to be carried out by our expert team of immigration solicitors will include the following:

  • Assessing your eligibility for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance by considering all your personal circumstances;
  • Advising you on the weaknesses and strengths of your adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance application;
  • Advising you on the relevant documents to be submitted in support of your adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance application;
  • Assessing your documents to ensure that the documentary evidence is as per requirements of the Home Office UKVI immigration Rules;
  • Completing and submitting the online application form to apply for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa UK entry clearance by gathering all the relevant information from you and your sponsor;
  • Helping you with paying the adult dependent relative (ADR) visa application fee;
  • Preparing detailed witness statements of the applicant and the sponsor explaining the need for long term personal care and unavailability of such care in country of residence of the applicant and other relevant factors pertaining to the adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance application;
  • Preparing a detailed cover letter to introduce and support your adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance application;
  • Uploading online all the relevant supporting documents and scheduling an appointment for submission of passport and enrolment of your biometrics;
  • Liaising with the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) for a timely decision on your adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance application.

Our Fees For Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) Visa Entry Clearance

Our fixed fees for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance application from outside the UK are as given in the table below:

Our Service Our Fee
Full service for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa Entry Clearance to cover all the work until decision by the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) From £2,000 To £4,000 (no VAT)

The agreed fixed fee will depend on the complexity of the adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance application and the volume of casework involved in the application. In addition to our fixed fee for adult dependent relative (ADR) visa entry clearance, the applicant will also have to pay the Home office UKVI fees for the entry clearance application.

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