
Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) Of BNO Status Holder

An adult dependent relative (ADR) of a British National (Overseas) citizen can apply for BNO Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) visa under the BNO visa route.

The applicant for BNO adult dependent relative (ADR) visa must be the parent, grandparent, brother, sister, son or daughter of a person who is making an application for entry clearance or permission to stay as a BN(O) Status Holder or the partner of a BN(O) Status Holder at the same time as the applicant. In exceptional circumstances, other family members with a high degree of dependency may also apply.

Where the applicant is applying for entry clearance or switching into BNO ADR visa and they have not previously had permission on the Hong Kong BN(O) route the applicant must:

(a) as a result of age, illness or disability require long-term personal care to perform everyday tasks; and

(b) form part of the same household as the BN(O) Status Holder who has, or is at the same time being granted, permission; and

(c) be unable, even with the practical and financial help of the BN(O) Status Holder or the partner of the BN(O) Status Holder, to obtain the required level of help in Hong Kong, if the BN(O) Status Holder or the partner of the BN(O) Status Holder move to the UK, either because the help:

(i) is not available, and there is no person in Hong Kong who can reasonably provide it; or

(ii) is not affordable.

Where the applicant and their partner are the parents or grandparents of the BN(O) Status Holder, or of the partner of the BN(O) Status Holder, the applicant, or their partner, must:

(a) as a result of age, illness or disability require long-term personal care to perform everyday tasks; and

(b) be unable, even with the practical and financial help of the BN(O) Status Holder or the partner of the BN(O) Status Holder, to obtain the required level of help in Hong Kong if the BN(O) Status Holder or the partner of the BN(O) Status Holder move to the UK either because the help:

(i) is not available and there is no person in Hong Kong who can reasonably provide it; or

(ii) is not affordable.

Our BNO adult dependent relative (ADR) visa solicitors can provide immigration advice and legal representations for BNO adult dependent relative (ADR) visa for dependants of BNO citizen. Our specialist team of BNO adult dependent relative (ADR) visa solicitors can help the dependants of BNO citizens with their BNO adult dependent relative (ADR) visa for the UK. Our highly experienced immigration solicitors have wealth of knowledge and experience to deal with BNO adult dependent relative (ADR) visa applications.

Ask a question to our expert team of immigration solicitors for free immigration advice or schedule an appointment for detailed immigration advice concerning your application as BNO adult dependent relative (ADR).

Services For Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) Of A BNO Citizen

As specialist immigration solicitors for BNO adult dependent relative (ADR) visa UK, we can provide fast, friendly, reliable and fixed fee legal services for following applications for Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) of a BNO citizen:


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