
ILR As A Dependent Of BNO Household Member

You can apply for ILR as a BNO household member dependent upon completion of 5 years in the UK on dependent visa if the main applicant is either applying for ILR or has already obtained ILR as BNO household member.

Our specialist team of dependant visa solicitors can provide fast, friendly, reliable and fixed fee legal services for ILR as BNO household member dependent. As specialist work visa solicitors, we have wealth of knowledge and extensive experience of dealing with all types of dependent visa applications. Ask a question to our work visa solicitors for free immigration advice or schedule an appointment for detailed immigration advice concerning your ILR application as BNO household member dependent.

Eligibility Requirements For ILR As BNO Household Member Dependent

The applicant should satisfy the following requirements to be eligible for ILR as a BNO household member dependent:

  • The applicant must submit a valid application for ILR as a BNO household member dependent;
  • The applicant must meet the relationship requirement as required in Appendix BN(O);
  • The applicant must have spent a continuous period of 5 years with permission on a route in these rules under which a person can settle, of which the most recent grant of permission must have been on the Hong Kong BN(O) route;
  • The applicant must meet the continuous residence requirement as specified in Appendix Continuous Residence;
  • Unless an exemption applies, the applicant must show English language ability on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in speaking and listening to at least level B1. The applicant must show they meet the English Language requirement as specified in Appendix English Language;
  • If the applicant is aged 18 or over, and under 65 on the date of application, they must meet the Knowledge of Life in the UK requirement as specified in Appendix KOL UK;
  • The applicant must not fall for refusal under Part 9: grounds for refusal;
  • The applicant must not be:
    • in breach of immigration laws, except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded; or
    • on immigration bail.

Relationship Requirement For Dependent Child

Where the applicant is under 18 on the date of application the following requirements must be met.

  • The applicant must have last been granted permission as a dependent child on the Hong Kong BN(O) route;
  • The applicant’s parent must:
    • at the same time, be being granted settlement on the Hong Kong BN(O) route; or
    • be settled or a British citizen.
  • The applicant’s other parent (who is not the parent in HK 57.3.) must be being granted settlement at the same time, or be settled or a British citizen, unless:
    • the parent in HK 57.3. is the applicant’s sole surviving parent; or
    • the parent in HK 57.3. has sole responsibility for the applicant’s upbringing; or
    • the decision maker is satisfied that there are serious and compelling reasons to grant the applicant settlement.

Care Requirement For BN(O) Household Member Dependent Child

f the applicant is under the age of 18 on the date of application there must be suitable arrangements for the child’s care and accommodation in the UK, which must comply with relevant UK legislation and regulations.

Care Requirement For BN(O) Household Member Dependent Child

Our specialist team of dependent visa solicitors can provide fast, friendly, reliable and fixed fee legal services for your application for ILR as a BNO household member dependent. We will carry out all the work on your application until you get a decision from the Home Office UKVI on your ILR application as a BNO household member dependent. Our immigration solicitors’ work on your ILR application as a BNO household member dependent may include the following:

  • assessing your eligibility for ILR as a BNO household member dependent by considering all the relevant eligibility requirements;
  • advising on relevant documents to be submitted in support of your ILR application as a BNO household member dependent;
  • completing online application form for ILR as a BNO household member dependent;
  • submitting your completed ILR application online, paying the Home Office UKVI fees and booking your appointment with the UKVCAS Application Centre for you to enroll your biometrics;
  • preparing a detailed cover letter in support of your ILR application to explain in detail how all the relevant requirements for ILR as a BNO household member dependent have been satisfied by you;
  • uploading all the supporting documents online in support of your ILR application as a BNO household member dependent;
  • doing all the follow up work including responding to any queries raised by the Home Office UKVI until decision is reached on your ILR application as a BNO household member dependent.

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